Hello and welcome,
my name is Marilyn Daniels.
I hope you find this website an interesting tour through my career as a missionary, teacher, and recently, as an author.
I want to thank Kelvin Bueckert for faithfully posting weekly devotionals for me over the past 6 years on this website. It is my prayer that they will be a blessing to you and perhaps even meet you at your point of need.
I enjoy interacting with people and would invite you to share your comments or prayer requests so together we can serve the Kingdom of God!
To God be all the glory!
God bless, Marilyn

Some pictures of Marilyn.

Bible study group at Tweedsmuir Presbyterian Church.

Over the years Marilyn has served with the Stephen ministry, shepherding singles and facilitating visitation. This certificate from People's Church recognizes her years of faithful service.

Studying the word together in the great outdoors!

A Master's Degree
in Theological Studies

Marilyn and some young students.

Marilyn's book about truth.
A Quote From E.L.
"Thank you.....you have been such a wonderful teacher of the Bible that makes it clearer for us to understand"
A Comment on Marilyn's Blog
"I read your wonderful devotions for today and I am filled with wonder over the very important fact that Jesus folded the face cloth when he rose from the dead. Reminiscent of the way Jewish men folded their table napkins when they left the dining table and planned to return. What a beautiful sign for us believers.
I’d never heard or read this before Marilyn so I’m full of surprise and joy.
My cup of joy runneth over with many thanks to you. I don’t know how I could have missed this point for so many years. I do thank you for bringing it to me. "
A Quote From D.H.
"Thank you for helping me along my faith journey. I learn so much from you.....and sharing time with you"